Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"The Co-operative revolution TV Ad"

In 1844, a group of ordinary people got together to build a business and to re-invest in their community - little did they know that they would end up changing the world.

From humble beginnings in Rochdale, a market town in Greater Manchester, England, this germ of an idea inspired the entire co-operative movement. It was a revolution that spilt no blood, wasn't about politics, made no enemies and imprisoned no one. In fact, it freed countless people giving them hope for the future and the opportunity to fulfil their potential; since then, it has sired and inspired innumerable projects across a diverse range of industries throughout the world.

The stories are amazing - from saving bees in central London to inspiring the next generation of filmmakers, from a group of Kenyan small-holder tea farmers banding together to a Cumbrian village turning to wind for power, and so on.

Each and every one of the people involved have one thing in common - the spirit of revolution, the fire in their belly to change their lives for the better .... the co-operative started with everyday people and lives on because of their extraordinary achievements.

Now, you have a chance to get involved. To learn how, visit

Learn how you can do your bit to change your world.

**This is a sponsored post.

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