Open letter to telemarketing companies:
One of my biggest pet peeves is receiving calls:
* from people (who could in real life be really nice people just doing their job) trying to sell me something I don't need such as extendable beds!!!
* from people telling me straight off that "This is not a survey; it is a life analysis".
* at what they believe are "opportune times". Please note that those opportune times are mine and mine alone. I do not appreciate running out of the, shower to answer a call, which I am afraid could be important but turns out to be yet another life analysis I simply can(not) do without.
I do not appreciate getting calls when I am putting out (or taking in) the laundry; while I am preparing meals; while I am ironing; while I am mopping or vacuuming or scrubbing - all chores I would choose without batting an eyelid over a solicitation call - or while I am simply having some "me time".
So, please please, put your ad on the internet where it can be viewed by countless people, and if it is a really great grab, people will call you!
My moan for the day....
totally agreed! Today, I got people ringing the door bell asking where is Villa No 3, when its so clearly stated that its Villa No.2!!!! walk to the next house bugger!!!