Monday, April 25, 2011

'DDIY: The Thong Hotspot.'

The thong (and I am talking about the rubber slipper, not the g-string) has really only one use : slip on a pair especially during summer, to go about anywhere (except to some posh do or lunch at the country club).
But one Aussie bloke has found a cool alternative (or would it be dual) use for the simple thong - and it is perfect for peeps who would prefer not to have to actually carry their prepaid thingamajig everywhere they go.

This innovative Aussie says you can transform your rubber slipper, or thong, into a mobile hotspot, which means that you will always be connected (at high speed) anywhere anytime this summer - be it at the beach, a barbecue or a lazy afternoon by the pool.

All you will need is one side of a pair of thongs (although you will still need the other side to walk about), a Telstra pre-paid mobile Wi-Fi device and a box cutter. Watch the video to see how our Aussie "inventor" goes about doing it. Really cool.

And this young chappie has big plans, a real golden goose of a Wi-fi hotspot idea based solely on the thong.

Go on, check out this video.

Warning: This is strictly for fun because a mobile Wi-Fi should never be used in a thong .... of any kind.

** This is a sponsored post.

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